Financial Aid

The California Lutheran High School Association recognizes that the cost of Christian secondary education has the potential of being a challenge for some families.  Accordingly, the CLHS Association has established the CLHS Tuition Assistance Program to help families meet the cost of this great blessing.  

  • Nearly 1/2 of our CLHS students receive financial aid or scholarships through our tuition assistance fund.   


Contact Superintendent and Director of Admissions, Tim Treder, with questions: (951) 678-7000 or


The following guidelines are provided to help parents with their application procedures.

Eligibility:  The CLHS Tuition Assistance Program is open by application to students currently attending CLHS and to other students who have officially registered at CLHS for the next school year.  Registration includes payment of the Registration Fee.  To be considered for tuition assistance, families must submit a new application each year.

Awarding of Funds:  On the basis of the information supplied by the applicants, CLHS (with the information provided to TADS) will determine assistance.  All applications submitted will be considered in the strictest confidence.  Applicants will be notified of their award in late June.  Financial awards will be credited directly to the recipient’s account.

Repayment Options:  Some recipients may see themselves able to repay this assistance or to make contributions toward the Tuition Assistance Fund in the future, in order to help other families.  There is no set schedule for repayment or obligation, but your help replenishing this fund is most appreciated and strongly encouraged.

Level of Support:  The amount of assistance to be awarded will be based primarily on financial need. Extenuating circumstances may be taken into consideration when awarding assistance.  All rewards are subject to available funds.  In any case, however, the maximum grant for any student will be limited to 75% of the tuition for the students.  Grants will not apply toward fees or other miscellaneous expenses.

Deadlines:  The deadline for submitting applications is April 15th  The applications will be reviewed and awards made after that date.  If a student registers late, or if the financial circumstances in a family change, the committee may consider applications after the April 15th date.  Families should be aware however, that there is no guarantee that funds will be available after the awards are given in June.

How To Apply:

  1. The financial need analysis for the upcoming school year will be conducted by the TADS Grant and Aid Assessment service on behalf of CLHS. 

    • Please complete the TADS Financial Aid Application

    • Start with creating an account if you have never used TADS before and submit the necessary supporting documentation to TADS Grant and Aid Assessment by April 15.  

  2. You will need the following documents to complete the application:  

    • Copies of your current year tax forms including supporting tax schedules,

    • Copies of supporting documentation

  3. You will need to pay a $110 application fee via credit card or electronic bank withdraw during the online application process.  

  4. WELS members: After you have completed the TADS application process, CLHS will contact your pastor for recommendation and verification of church membership.

If you have questions or concerns about the TADS application process, you may speak with a TADS Customer Care Representative at 800-477-8237 or email Failure to submit all required forms will result in the rejection of the application.

If you have any questions, please contact (951) 678-7000 or

CLHS reserves the right to rescind any tuition assistance if the circumstances upon which the grant was issued should change. Recession of the tuition assistance does not release the family of its obligation for tuition, fees, and other charges.