California Lutheran High School’s
Expansion to TK through 12th Grade.
California Lutheran High School is looking ahead to the future of our mission with an eye towards growth.
To reach this growth, our vision is an expansion of our ministry to include grades TK-12th grade. This expansion would add additional elementary and middle school grades to our campus, family, and faculty.
In a unanimous vote on February 22, the California Lutheran High School Association adopted a Constitutional change expanding the scope of our ministry to include TK-8th grades. A second motion for the board to move ahead with plans to open an elementary school on our campus to begin in August of 2025 also passed unanimously.
This allows our board to move ahead with the plans to open an elementary grade education center on our campus beginning this fall!
What an exciting opportunity this presents for our ministry to families here in the Temecula Valley! Check out more about our expansion below…
The CLHS Constitution
Our school operates as a corporation under the Bylaws and Constitution of the California Lutheran High School Association. This document provides guidelines for our organization and rules for how we operate. Use the link below to check out our CLHSA Bylaws and Constitution.
Amendment to the Constitution
To expand our ministry, we needed to make some changes to our current Constitution and Bylaws to allow for adding on anything beyond 9-12th grades. Click below to see the changes to the CLHSA Constitution and Bylaws that were passed.
Motion Passed to Expand Ministry of CLHS
Our Board needed approval to move forward. In February, we met, discussed and unanimously approved a Motion to accept the Board’s recommendation to expand the ministry of California Lutheran High School. Read the accepted motion by clicking the link below.
Lutheran Schools Consultants Final Report
We requested a visit from consutants at Lutheran Schools to give their advise on our expansion. This committee visited our school in March of 2024, met with parents, students, staff and faculty, researched our area, competition and area growth before issuing some recommendations as well as their opinions on our expansion. Use the provided link to check out their final report.
Timeline to Move Forward
It all begins with a plan. Here are the steps in our plan as we look to move ahead with our ministry expansion. See the steps we’ve marked out and progress as we make strides toward the future of CLHS.
Answers to Questions
All of this infomation my have led you to ask questions! Others have as well. Below is a link to many of the questions that have been asked AND the answers.
Information from Previous Open Forums
This process has been going on for just over a year. We discussed the expansion last year at our annual Meetings and held two Open Forums to discuss and share the plans and steps moving ahead with everyone. Click below to access the presentations from the Open Forums to see what was shared.